External Melee Camera

A Blender add-on that integrates the ability to control various Melee and Dolphin functions from within Blender.

This tool primarily focuses on camera functions, but is able to load states, play/pause, and create image sequences as well.

Sync Camera

The main feature of this add-on is its ‘Sync Camera’ button. This will start driving Melee’s camera directly from within Blender.

This allows you to shed Melee’s limitations and empowers you to create well-crafted, smooth movements with the perks of key-frames.

Dolphin States

These functions are valuable quality-of-life tools that directly interact with states in Dolphin. Saving and loading states streamlines the recording process and helps improve workflow.

Image Sequencing

Another major feature is the capability of creating image sequences, allowing you to record multiple passes of the same shot. It will capture screenshots at engine resolution, with any graphical enhancements or shaders applied as well.

Real-Time or Freeze Frame

The Sync Media Controls feature will toggle the play/pause state of Melee in sync with Blender’s play/pause state.

Create real-time camera movements, or that perfect freeze-frame shot.

Find the project on GitHub!